Tuesday, October 4, 2011


One thing I have been reflecting on recently is perspective. It's been a theme that has occurred and reoccurred in my life the past few weeks, and it's really made a difference in my life.

I often say to God, "why is this life so hard? why is following you difficult? why can't my decisions be easier?" And from this complaining I start to feel a sense of hopelessness. I know that scripture says about complaining, "Do everything without complaining and arguing..." Philippians 2:14. Even though this is sound advice, I don't think that simply refraining from complaining is enough. God doesn't only want to change what we do, he wants to change our hearts. And that is where this business of perspective comes in.

A few weeks ago as I was praying and being thankful for all that God has done for me, and all that he has brought me through I realized that following the Lord is an honor and a privilege. He counts me as family and has redeemed me from an empty life and past mistakes and he has given me purpose and given my life meaning. How then can I complain when he calls me to follow him?

I'm not saying life gets easier because of having this perspective. It doesn't. But when I change my perspectives to take in the glory that is being a follower Christ I begin to rely on him alone as my source of strength, instead of myself. I start to compare the weight of my burden against the weight of Christ sacrificing his life on the cross for me and my sins. Jesus said in Matthew11:30, "For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” And it is.

Life may throw you around, and put burdens on you beyond what you can bare, but Christ never does. He never will. He calls us in Matthew 11:28 to lay our burdens at his feet in place of rest. When it seems like following him is too much, sometimes is takes stepping back and looking at it from a different angle. Sometimes all it takes is a new perspective.

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